Allow us to invite you to a special informatics colloquium with Jim Spohrer. It is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet such an inspiring person and the co-founder of Service Science. Join us, listen to the talk, and participate in the following discussion.
Where and when?
- February 5th 2024 (Monday)
- room A217
- the talk starts at 14:30 (there will be an informal coffee/tea before the colloqium, from 14:00, in the kitchen of the A building on the 2nd floor)
Preparing T-Shaped Professional for Career Success in the AI Era
Speaker: Jim Spohrer
As universities transform curriculum in the AI era, the importance of preparing T-shaped professionals for career success is an important topic to explore. T-shaped professionals have deep disciplinary problem-solving skills and broad communications skills for improved teamwork and rapid learning of new areas. T-shaped professionals have depth and breadth across six areas:emerging technologie, work practices, developmental mindsets, academic disciplines, societal systems, regional cultures. This talk will provide an overview of the past, present, and future of the T-shaped skills concept, with special attention to possible applications in Informatics curriculum development.